My Neighbor

My NeighbOR mobilizes Oregonians to meet the unique, pressing, and tangible needs of families.

Welcome Boxes

Welcome Boxes provide children in foster care with special items while sitting in a ODHS office.

Launch Boxes

Assist youth who are aging out of foster care with items to help them get on their feet.

Flash Boxes

Offer a surprise dose of encouragement to foster families.

Foster Parents’ Night Out

Volunteers provide a monthly four-hour break for foster parents while building consistent relationships with children in foster care.

My Community

Connects caring community volunteers with resource (foster) families in need of support.

Peer Mentorship

A 12-week, one to one relational pairing between an experienced Resource Parent (Mentor) and a newer Resource Parent (Mentee)

Certified Respite

A certified respite provider offers a safe, nurturing space for children impacted by foster care, giving parents and resource (foster) parents a critical opportunity to recharge.


What Volunteers Have to Say

Every Child mobilizes community to uplift children & families impacted by foster care in Oregon.