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Every Child Central Oregon (ECCO) is bursting with excitement as the crew has just unveiled a fantastic upgrade to the My NeighbOR program. ECCO is ditching seven tiny storage units and moving into a massive 1,932-square-foot warehouse, centrally located in Redmond. This warehouse, now catering to both growing and unique needs without the hassle of juggling multiple storage spaces, will enhance the success and impact the program, which systematizes the donation of tangible goods and financial gifts to youth and families in foster care.
As Melissa Williams, ECCO’s executive director, says, “With this dedicated space, we can house and organize
everything, even those giant donations, like thousands of diapers at once! It’s a phenomenal boost for this
program, and a testimony to its proven and future ability to meet community needs.”
Brieanna Rogers, ECCO’s programs manager, recalls the program’s humble beginnings in 2019 when
donations trickled in via random texts, emails, and phone calls, primarily from faith partners. Fast forward to
today, it’s successful in big part thanks to high-tech tools, plus a dedicated team of four who manage
requests, stock and organize the warehouse, and ensure that the needs are met.