NE Oregon
About Every Child NE Oregon
According to recent data, 126 children spent time in foster care in Baker, Union and Wallowa Counties and there were 262 incidents of child abuse or neglect. To care for these 126 foster children/youth there were 66 certified foster homes – we need more.
If a natural disaster hit our state and children were wandering the street without someone to care for them, each of us would open our homes to help in the crisis. With more than 11,000 children in foster care and more entering the system every day, we’re in the midst of a disaster in our state.
Oregon’s Department of Human Services (DHS) works to care for children and families in crisis, but is often left with few resources for volunteer and foster parent recruitment efforts.
If we don’t step in, many children will be left without the care, comfort, and safety of a loving home during times of trauma, transition, and uncertainty. We can do better for Oregon’s children. We know that Oregon’s communities want to take action, and just don’t know where to begin. Many of us feel helpless, doing nothing or never considering foster parenting.
Every Child invites the community to partner with Oregon’s Department of Human Services (ODHS) to aid vulnerable children in foster care and to support foster families. Everyone has something to bring to foster care — be it donating, volunteering, or by becoming a foster parent.
By doing so, we’re able to bring love, care, and support to children in foster care and families who previously had nowhere else to turn